Thursday, October 8, 2009

October 7, 2009

Carrie (1976)
This movie, one of the most popular horror movies of the last few decades, isn't really scary so much as really disturbing. Carrie's humiliation at the hands of her classmates and torture at the hands of her mother are very hard to watch and it's totally acceptable at the end when she snaps and does what she does. Pig's blood doesn't come out of satin, after all. The name of the ill-fated high school is Bates High School, which, along with short bursts of the violent violins from the shower scene, provide enough of an allusion to Psycho that everyone should know that things are not going to end well. Sissy Spacek is creepy-looking with her eyes wide and staring like that, but for most of the movie, her character is just sad, not threatening.
My Netflix rating: 3 stars

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