Monday, September 28, 2009

September 27, 2009

Star Wars (1977)
#6 on my Top 100 List
This is the first time that I've watched this one closely following Episode III and happily there are not quite as many plot holes or inconsistencies as I thought there were. There are some of course - for instance, Obi-Wan went by that name actually until after Luke was born and for that matter, how would Leia know that he now goes by Ben? This is my favorite of all the Star Wars movies - I love the cantina scene and the Death Star stuff, I love Luke Skywalker, and I love the interaction between Leia and Darth Vader. There's something almost paternal in the way he pulls her back from the viewing screen as Alderaan is about to be destroyed. Of course, he also tortures her for information, so there's a little bit of a gap there. Originally, this was meant to be a B movie - no one expected it to amount to much - and look at where we are now.
My Netflix rating: 5 stars


  1. In A New Hope, I didn't think Vader knew he had a daughter..

  2. He doesn't. The action feels paternal, but not necessarily because he meant it to be so.
