Tuesday, June 23, 2009

June 22, 2009

The Day After Tomorrow (2004)
Just like Independence Day, except instead of aliens, the bad guy is...weather. Post-apocalyptic movies are fun, aren't they? The premise is totally ridiculous and the tense scenes (like Jake Gyllenhaal trying to outrun the supercold deadly air) are too unbelievable sometimes to be scary, but it's still sort of a fun movie to watch. The special effects and production design are two things that stand out to me, though, because the entire city of New York turning into a museum of human artifacts that have been frozen solid was pretty cool to see. Seeing tornadoes destroy the Hollywood sign, however, was not cool. It's been criticized for being heavily inaccurate, but come on - it's about another ice age that freezes half the globe in 10 days. Does anyone actually believe that?
My Netflix rating: 4 stars


  1. Was it a coincidence that you were watching this when I was writing about 2012 or did my loathing of Roland Emmerich's non-Independence Day work inspire you to watch this one again?

  2. I've been meaning to watch this one for a while, but after I read your entry, I figured I had to send Roland Emmerich some love :-)
